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♡ 5% off for first purchase on official website (excluding limited editions)




【35 線上賞屋】特別企劃


Living Room




客廳為 7-8 米的公共空間,與開放式的餐廳相連,朋友來訪聚會時,希望跳脫擺放一般長型或 L 型沙發只能面對電視牆無法與不同區域的人群互動的框架,選擇多個單張但尺寸不同的沙發讓空間使用更靈活。




Kristalia Brioni 沙發



Font 邊桌



Elephant 扶手搖椅



Louis Poulsen
Panthella 潘朵拉 立燈

出自丹麥設計大師 Verner Panton 1971 年的作品,Panthella 潘朵拉立燈半圓弧溫潤的圓頂燈罩,搭配纖細的燈桿營造出絕妙的視覺平衡,仿若窈窕的古典美人,創造一種可以溫柔地在房間裡擴散與漫延的光源。

Panthella Floor.jpg__PID:8f5ce12a-f501-4a1c-a64e-197604eca158

Dining Room




選擇可伸縮的延伸餐桌,滿足不同使用人數的需求。餐桌桌板為異材質,2/3 為玻璃,1/3 為金屬,兩種材質和簡約俐落的外型展現與眾不同的質感。 




Muuto Fluid 吊燈


Kristalia Thin-K 延伸桌

材質為 100% 可回收的鋁,可任選鋁、木質、玻璃三種桌面材質,並提供固定款或延伸款的選擇。

桌面厚度僅僅 6 毫米,挑戰物理定律,在輕薄之餘同時保持最大的穩定性 ,這無可挑剔的極簡樣式,精緻的細部處理,能恰到好處的擺放搭配任何一個現代住家。


Muuto Cover 單椅

具有前瞻性的工藝設計和北歐獨特的質感,Cover Side Chair 堪稱是一張高雅又經典的實木單椅。






房間燈光選擇與音響、真空管和擴大機等老件搭配的復古黃光色系,捨棄原本規劃的嵌燈,在眾多燈款中挑選了丹麥百年燈具品牌 Louis Poulsen 由燈具大師 Poul Henningsen 設計的 PH Snowball 雪球吊燈,其圓潤線條的外型和多層次的燈罩設計,投射出絕美的光線。

床頭立燈則選擇 PH 80,最上層紅色燈罩及整體折射出柔和的燈光色調。兩盞經典燈款帶出主臥的復古溫馨感,不僅是最大亮點,更為空間注入靈魂。



Louis Poulsen
PH Snowball 雪球吊燈

像百頁窗一樣的 PH Snowball 雪球吊燈共有 8 層燈罩,採用了磨砂噴漆的葉片,燈葉內側以粗糙處理,表面以亮面處理,從而讓燈光以更舒適的色澤從上而下透出,散發出舒服的無眩散射光。


Louis Poulsen PH 80 立燈

該燈款於 1974 年 紀念 PH 大師 80 歲冥誕時推出。採用聚碳酸酯(PC)高分子聚合物素材製作,乳白色的燈罩樣貌,將柔美的光線層次地向外暈散,更在最上層的燈罩設計上,輔以紅色調性,讓平靜的空間氛圍之中,增添溫暖的層次與調性。



家具.燈具 總覽

Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
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Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
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Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair

Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Small Lounge Armchair

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Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
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Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)
Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)

Brioni Pouf Island Chair and Stool (M)

義大利沙發 Kristalia Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發 大休閒扶手椅
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Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發 大休閒扶手椅 3
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
義大利沙發 Kristalia Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發 大休閒扶手椅
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Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發 大休閒扶手椅 3
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair
Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair

Brioni Sofa Island Sofa Large Lounge Armchair

沙發床推薦: 義大利家具 Kristalia Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發床 -1
Brioni Sofa island sofa bed
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Brioni Sofa island sofa bed
沙發床推薦: 義大利家具 Kristalia Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發床 -1
Brioni Sofa island sofa bed
沙發床推薦: 義大利家具 Kristalia Brioni Sofa 島嶼沙發床 -4
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Brioni Sofa island sofa bed

Brioni Sofa island sofa bed

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Font Occasional Table Font Occasional Table - Plastic Type

Font Occasional Table Font Occasional Table - Plastic Type

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Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
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Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair
Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair

Elephant Rocking Armchair Elephant Armchair

北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列1
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北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列3
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北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列7
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列8
Panthella Floor Pandora standing lamp
Panthella Floor Pandora standing lamp
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列1
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列2
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列3
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列4
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列5
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列6
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列7
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen Pathella 潘朵拉系列8
Panthella Floor Pandora standing lamp
Panthella Floor Pandora standing lamp

Panthella Floor Pandora standing lamp

吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid 23cm
吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid S/L
吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid 42cm
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吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid_4
Fluid round chandelier
吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid 23cm
吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid S/L
吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid 42cm
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吊燈推薦:北歐進口餐桌吊燈 Muuto Fluid_4
Fluid round chandelier

Fluid round chandelier

延伸餐桌推薦|義大利家具 Kristalia Thin K-5
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延伸餐桌推薦|義大利家具 Kristalia Thin K-19

Thin-K Table ultra-thin extension dining table

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北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-11
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-12
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-13
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-14
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北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-16
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-1
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北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-10
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-11
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北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-13
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-14
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-15
北歐餐椅推薦 Muuto Cover Armchair-16

Cover Armchair Embrace Armchair

北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-2
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-1
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北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-8
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-9
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-10
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-11
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-12
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-13
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-14
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-15
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-16
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-17
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-18
Flindt wall light
Flindt wall light
Flindt wall light
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-2
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-1
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-3
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-4
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-5
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-6
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-7
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-8
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-9
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-10
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-11
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-12
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-13
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-14
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-15
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-16
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-17
北歐壁燈.床頭燈 Louis Poulsen Flindt 系列-18
Flindt wall light
Flindt wall light
Flindt wall light

Flindt wall light

吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-2
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-3
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-4
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-5
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-6
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-7
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-8
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-9
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-10
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-11
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-12
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-13
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-14
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-15
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-2
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-3
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-4
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-5
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-6
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-7
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-8
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-9
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-10
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-11
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-12
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-13
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-14
吊燈推薦:客廳吊燈.餐桌吊燈.北歐吊燈Louis Poulsen PH Snowball 雪球吊燈-15

PH Snowball Snowball chandelier

北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列1
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列2
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列5
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列3
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列1
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列2
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列5
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
北歐立燈 Louis Poulsen PH 80系列3
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp
PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp

PH 80 Floor Standing Lamp

壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-1
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-2
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-3
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-4
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-5
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-6
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-1
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-2
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-3
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-4
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-5
壁鏡.義大利家具 Kristalia Takeoff 系列-6

Take off take off wall mirror

Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light
Toldbod 220/290 wall light

Toldbod 220/290 wall light
